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  Triangle Chapter : MOAA: Military Officers Association of America Scholarship Sponsors: Businesses, Organizations and Private Contributors



Triangle MOAA Scholarship Fund Sponsorship Donations

The Triangle Chapter of the Military Officers Association of America (MOAA) has a Scholarship Foundation, funded by donations. Monies from the Scholarship Foundation are largely used to fund scholarships, along with occasional qualifying activities of ROTC/JROTC units in our area.

Our Scholarship Foundation awards multiple merit scholarships to high school seniors each year. Eligible applicants must be enrolled in one of the area’s JROTC programs and accepted at an accredited college or university. The most impressive applicants are selected and presented with a scholarship check during a ceremony. See the full list of requirements toward the bottom of the page.

Our Scholarship Foundation is managed separately from our chapter general fund and qualifies as a 501(c)(3) fund for tax purposes. Private, business and organizational donations are gratefully acknowledged. Our top donors are recognized here. Donations exceeding $250 are also recognized with an invitation for 2 individuals to attend our Scholarship Award Dinner each May.

Triangle Chapter of MOAA reserves the right to decline donations and acknowledgement based solely on the discretion of the Chapter Scholarship Foundation Board.

Posted 08/10/24 14:43 by Anon Under Introduction Permalink 1723152772