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  Triangle Chapter : MOAA: Military Officers Association of America Leadership: Triangle Chapter Leaders

Our Board and Officers

Board : Executive Board Top ▲

Colonel Herb Segal, MC, USA (ret)
Chapter President

COL Herb Segal was born and raised in Newark, New Jersey and received his education at Rutgers University (BA), Duke University School of Medicine (MD) and Harvard School of Public Health (MPH). He also graduated from Rutgers as an Army ROTC Distinguished Military Graduate and received a Regular Army Commission. He interned and completed Residency in Public Health at Harvard and at the Walter Reed Army Medical Center. His military education also included assignments to the Armed Forces Staff College and Army War College. COL Segal’s clinical specialty was in tropical medicine, notably in the transmission and treatment of malaria, authoring numerous contributions to the scientific literature. Much of that work was done during two assignments to the Army Research Laboratory in Bangkok, Thailand; during the second assignment he served as Laboratory Commander and was the American Ambassador’s principal advisor on refugee health. Thereafter, he was assigned to consecutive command billets at three Army Hospitals, retiring as Commander, Martin Army community Hospital, Fort Benning, GA. In retirement, COL Segal served as a medical director in Pennsylvania and New York health plans focused on Medicare and Medicaid populations.

Retiring again, he and his wife Pat relocated to Raleigh. Their family includes three children and ten grandchildren. In addition to his MOAA-related activities, he also participates as a Wake County Extension Master Gardener Volunteer, serving one term as Executive Committee Chair. He is also President of his homeowner’s association and an election poll worker.

Posted 03/25/24 13:21 by Triangle Webmaster Under Board Permalink 1711372876
Colonel Robert (Bob) Penny, USAF (ret)
2nd Vice President, ROTC/JROTC Coordinator

COL Robert (Bob) Penny, USAF (Ret.) is a 1970 graduate of The Citadel. He was a senior navigator with over 3500 flying hours in the C-130; 500 of which were flown in combat. He’s been assigned to AF bases and units around the world including Taiwan, Saigon, West Berlin, Little Rock AFB, Scott AFB, the Pentagon, and NC State University as the Professor of Aerospace Studies (AFROTC).

Bob retired from the Air Force in 1997 then was the Senior Aerospace Science Instructor of the Sanderson HS AFJROTC program for 15 years.

Bob serves the MOAA Triangle Chapter as 2nd Vice President and coordinator for all ROTC and JROTC activities for the 32 JROTC units and 10 ROTC detachments in our area.

Posted 08/16/22 17:33:33 by Anon Under Board Permalink 1660671213
Colonel Christopher Froeschner, USAF (ret)

COL Chris Froeschner is our Chapter Treasurer. He has served the board consecutively for the past decade as Treasurer, Board Secretary and First Vice President. He is a retired Air Force officer with 23 years of service in multiple assignments to include instructor and evaluator navigator on C-130 aircraft in both the US, Japan and Canada, installation chief of safety at the US Air Force Academy, aircraft mishap investigator and team facilitator, and commander of the Air Force ROTC program at NC State University. In his post-military career he served 7 ½ year as the Vice President of Operations for USO North Carolina, a non-profit serving the military across the state. He currently works as the Administration Manager for Manufacturing at Millennium Print Group, the world’s largest producer of Pokémon and other trading card games. Chris lives in Holly Springs with his wife Kerri, a kindergarten teacher, and two college-aged children, Joshua and Paige, both undergrad students at UNC Charlotte.

Posted 03/25/24 13:22 by Triangle Webmaster Under Board Permalink 1711372935
Colonel Matt Segal, USA (ret)
Surviving Spouse Liaison

COL Matt Segal and his wife Meg are Philadelphia natives. Matt received his BS from Temple University and MA from Central Michigan University. Commissioned via the ROTC program, Matt spent 3-½ years on active duty and another 25 years in the Army Reserve, retiring as a Colonel.

In his civilian career, he worked for McDonald’s Corp for 28 years and subsequently formed his own consulting company providing services to the quick service restaurant industry. Meg and Matt live in Cary, NC, and they volunteer extensively with the USO in NC. Matt also sits on the Foundation Board of the North Carolina Symphony. He is a former Treasurer and Past President of the Triangle Chapter of the Military Officers Association of America.

Col. Segal currently works with Department of Defense part time administering the Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB) for those wanting to join all branches of the military.

Posted 07/08/24 16:36 by Triangle Webmaster Under Board Permalink 1720470965
Captain Henry R. Scheller, USNR (ret)
Membership Chair, Webmaster

CAPT Henry R. Scheller, Jr, USNR (ret) was born and raised in central Wisconsin. He graduated and was commissioned through the Navy ROTC program at the University of Wisconsin in 1979. The same applies to his wife, CDR Marjorie L. (Vann) Scheller, SC, USNR (ret).

Upon completion of Surface Warfare Officers’ School at Coronado, CA, he went on to seagoing assignments aboard USS David R. Ray (DD-971) and USS Constellation (CV-64). Sea duty was followed by a shore tour at Naval Systems Schools, Great Lakes, and additional training at Surface Warfare Officer School, Newport, RI. He was assigned to USS Nicholson (DD-982) as Engineer Officer. He left active duty in 1988 and returned to Wisconsin with his young family to work in the wood products industry in manufacturing operations. He joined the Navy Reserve and took the leadership role for a new reserve detachment of USS Wisconsin (BB-64), and then for a USS Emory S. Land (AS-39) detachment when BB-64 was decommissioned for the last time. His civilian career took him to North Carolina, where he earned his master’s degree from NC State University. He had Reserve assignments with CINCLANTFLT, COMSCEUR, NAVWEPSTA Charleston and SACLANT. He retired in August 2005 in a ceremony aboard the USS Little Rock, docked in Buffalo, NY.

He and his family made several moves following his Navy career, but he and Margie eventually returned to North Carolina as empty-nesters. They reside in retirement in Fuquay Varina.

Posted 03/25/24 13:23 by Triangle Webmaster Under Board Permalink 1711372995
Colonel Faith Junghahn, NC, USA (ret)
Chapter Legislative Liaison

COL Faith Junghahn was commissioned through UNC-CH ROTC, where she was the first nurse to graduate from the program.

She is a retired Army Nurse Corps officer with 25 years of service in multiple assignments as a Public Health Nurse working in primary care, deployment medicine and commanded medical service units at both the battalion and brigade levels.

Her assignments include Active Duty and Reserve units in both the US and Germany. Her last assignment was commanding a Medical Support Unit located in Kaiserslautern Germany. Additionally, during her care she had an assignment working with wounded warriors with the Army Recovery Care Program. In her post-military career, she is working as an infusion nurse and care manager. Faith lives in Holly Springs with her husband, Alan Shaw, LTC USA (ret).

Posted 03/13/25 12:02 by Triangle Webmaster Under Board Permalink 1741881778

Past Presidents : Past Triangle MOAA Presidents Top ▲

Past Triangle MOAA Presidents
1960 - 1979

1963 Arthur E. Burnap COL USA Ret

1964 Martin R. Peterson CAPT USN Ret

1965 Hazel L. Byrd COL USA Ret

1966 George W. Hunter MAJ USA Ret

1967 Lawrence E. Bach CPT USA Ret

1968 William L. Wilson BG USA Ret

1969 George S. Speidel BG USA Ret

1970 John D. F. Phillas BG USA Ret

1971 Alex M. Patterson RADM USN Ret

1972 Harvey H. Fischer LTG USA Ret

1973 Julian M. McFore COL USA Ret

1974 David B. Hayes LtCol USMC Ret

1975 William A. Smith LTC USA Ret

1976 Graham G. Beachum LtCol USAF Ret

1977 William C. Bailey CDR USN Ret

1978 Fred F. Harbin Col USMC Ret

1979 W. W. Stevens COL USA Ret

Posted 08/23/24 12:08 by Webguy Under Past Presidents Permalink 1724432019
Past Triangle MOAA Presidents
1980 - 1999

1980 Milton M. Croom CDR USN Ret

1981 Joseph C. Matthews, Jr. COL USA Ret

1982 Randolph Dickens BG USA Ret

1983 Richard L. Rice COL USA Ret

1984 Willis Hedgepeth LtCol USAF Ret

1985 Kenneth Knight CAPT USN Ret

1986 T. Fred Armstrong CDR USN Ret

1987 Vance Corbet Col USMC Ret

1988 John T. Welch LCDR USN Ret

1989 J. C. Jones CAPT USN Ret

1990 Harold Strong LTC USA Ret

1991 Frank Rawley COL USA Ret.

1992 Max Moody CAPT USPHS, Ret.

1993 Robert Lawson LtCol USMC Ret.

1994 John A. Dinger, Jr. CAPT USN Ret.

1995 James (Jim) Van Strien LTC USA Ret.

1996 Lewis Feuerstein Maj USAF Ret.

1997 Gene Schulz LtCol USAF Ret.

1998 Rose Phillips Surviving Spouse

1999 Robert McDowell Col USMC Ret.

Posted 08/23/24 12:08 by Webguy Under Past Presidents Permalink 1724432101
Past Triangle MOAA Presidents
2000 - Present

2000-2001 John Wray COL USA Ret.

2002 Nelson Kick LCDR USN Ret

2003 Edward (Ed) Hollowell COL USA Ret

2004-2005 Kenneth (Ken) Tigges LTC USA Ret

2006 Stephen C. Boone BG USA Ret

2007 Mike Snyder Maj USMC Ret

2008 James (Jim) Van Strien LTC USA Ret

2009-2010 Herb Segal COL USA Ret

2011-2013 Joe Long LtCol USAF Ret

2014 John Loving CPT USA

2015-2016 Matthew (Matt) Segal COL USA Ret

2017-2018 Edgar Dean Block CDR USNR

2019-Present Herb Segal COL USA Ret

Posted 08/23/24 12:08 by Webguy Under Past Presidents Permalink 1724429332