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  Triangle Chapter : MOAA: Military Officers Association of America Chapter Business: Board Meeting Minutes

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2025 Meeting of the Triangle Chapter Board

Activities for 2025 planned

Triangle Chapter Board Meeting, February 11, 2025

The Triangle Chapter Board met to initiate planning for the 2025 events and to share updates on existing programs. The meeting was held at The Whiskey Kitchen on W. Martin Street in downtown Raleigh. In attendance were Bob Penny, Chris Froeschner, Henry Scheller, Faith Junghahn (by invitation) and the undersigned. Robin Viviano and Matt Segal were unable to attend. Over dinner, we discussed the following:

1. Events calendar:

a. The Cary High School drill meet will be held on 15 March. Chris will send a check for the promised support ($300) for the event; Bob will determine whether our participation in the end-of-event awards ceremony is indicated.

b. Battlefield Park Day will be held on 26 April. We don’t yet know if any local sites will be included. If not, Faith suggested that tidying up a local historic cemetery with veterans’ graves might be an alternative.

c. The scholarship awards dinner will be held on 13 May, if cleared with the NC State Club. Suggestions for guest speakers included Mo Green, newly elected State Education Head.

d. There was a consensus that we hold two summer activities, a social at ZinkHouse (10 June proposed) and a Durham Bulls game (17 August proposed).

e. The fall dinner will include our hosting the annual meeting of the NCCoC, which will be held on 6/7 November. Given the statewide nature of attendees, it was suggested that Gov Stein be invited to deliver the dinner address. Herb will follow up.

f. Wreaths Across America will be held on 13 December. Faith will coordinate.

2. Our financial status is sound. We have sufficient funds for three $1,500 scholarships if three quality applications are received (Bob believes there will be at least three applications from local high schools). We further agreed not to renew our CD when it comes due later this year but to fold it into the existing checking account.

3. Henry reported that we still have no completion date for the MOAA software update, which weighs heavily on our ability to recruit new members. He and Bob also updated us on the submissions for our Chapter Level of Excellence and Harris Communications awards, both of which went to MOAA on a timely basis.

4. Faith indicated her interest in joining the Chapter leadership and, after due discussion, she agreed to take on the portfolio of Legislative Chair. She and Herb will develop a plan to bring her up to speed with activities currently ongoing at the local and state levels.

There being no additional business, the meeting was adjourned.

Respectfully submitted for review and approval.


Posted 02/16/25 09:15 by Triangle Webmaster Under Board Permalink 1739715312